Dialogue Series- Activity 5, August Edition


The 5th edition of the Intelligent Lady Network dialogue series hosted the ace lawyer, Dr Mrs Angela Dwamena-Aboagye, the founder of the Ark Foundation.

The event was held at the Accra City Hotel from4 pm to 6 pm. In attendance were approximately 60 young and aspiring women in their twenties and thirties.

Dr Dwamena-Aboagye espoused on the theme, “Defining the various meanings of feminisms that exist”.

Social norms in gender roles are shifting in modern times. The beliefs and practices of both faith/religion and feminism play important roles in how these norms and expectations are being shaped and their impact on the family.

The term “feminist” brings to mind images of angry, men-hating and disappointed women. There is the notion that feminists are anti-men, anti-religion/faith and anti-family. Feminism is also seen as an attack on age-old values that hold families together. It is considered a threat to the tenets of faith and family.

What is Feminism? What are the different kinds of feminism? Is Feminism truly against the principles of Faith? Does Feminism threaten the very foundation of Family? Can feminism, faith and family be intertwined?

These are some of the questions Dr Dwamena-Aboagye threw more light on, drawing out the differences and similarities existing in feminism and faith as well as its impact on family life.