Dialogue Series on Identifying the Synergy between Career and Life mission.


The Intelligent Lady Network held a zoom dialogue series with super Intelligent Lady, Dr Mrs Beatrice Wiafe Addai on Sunday, 11th October 2020. She shared with the participants on the topic, “Identifying the synergy between career and life mission”.

Since it was Breast Cancer Awareness month, Dr Wiafe Addai, who is a renowned breast surgeon and awareness ambassador was the ideal speaker on how she has been able to find the synergy between her career and life mission.

Dr Mrs Beatrice Wiafe Addai is the Founder of Breast Care International and the Chief Executive Officer of the Peace and Love Hospital with branches in Kumasi and Accra. It is a specialist hospital that caters for Breast Cancer Patients and their related diseases in Ghana. She has over 31 years of experience as a Consultant Breast Surgeon in Ghana.

Her passion for the prevention, awareness and treatment of breast cancer propels her to embark on outreach missions among women groups, churches, senior high and tertiary institutions, organizations and those marginalized in rural and deprived communities. 

This practice has earned her many awards, including the Harvard Global Health Catalysts Africa Ambassador Award 2019.  In addition, her training and wide scope of the study as a specialist Breast Pathologist and a surgeon have made her a role model and inspiration to many young women.