Activities for 2018 in Brief- The Intelligent Lady Network


In 2018, the Network birthed the Intelligent Lady Dialogue Series. This is a monthly mentoring activity of intelligent ladies in which older and more experienced professional women of faith mentor and inspire young aspiring mid-level professional women in corporate and leadership. Tertiary
students/women are not left out of these series.

The Dialogue series was held at the Accra City Hotel. It is a monthly meet-ups session with over 500 young female
professionals and tertiary students in attendance organized for 6 months. At these events, the Network engaged 6 industrious and accomplished mentors from the corporate, academia and government fields.

In June, the Network collaborated with the Student Representative Council Women Commission of the University of Ghana Distance Education campus to organize the “Rese & Grooms” seminar.

In December, the Network funded one business start-up for a young talented graduate and visited the James Camp Prison treating 300 inmates to a lunch buffer as the charity project for 2018.